
Angel's nest

 嬉しいnewsです!Newlife Dreamsが帰ってきたーーー!A5Dに移籍し、約1年ぶりのnew kit!!(発売が少し遅れたので昨日のnewsletterには乗っていませんでしたが、今はもう購入できます)
 Peggy's blogでfreebieやらクーポンがgetできるので要チェック!

使用した素材 [credits]
Sweet Beginnings by Newlife Dreams
photo by NiDerLander/ photoxpress

20 件のコメント:

  1. Much love from Poland !! hope you and your family are ok !!!

  2. thanks for your kind comment to me, sweetie.
    I and my family are OK. [I and my DH live in Indonesia]
    but I'm worried about my friends...

  3. I'm glad you're safe. I wish your friends, family and all in Japan well. We are thinking of you and hoping for the best.

  4. Hi sweetie, I wanted to ask you at the same thing - if you and your family are OK.
    Take care! It´s terrible what happened :(

  5. yes, I've been worried about you. Thank you for writing here so we know you are ok. I hope and pray your friends are all safe. Hugs, Susie

  6. Glad you're ok! Sending prayers to all of you.

  7. Great work... i am glad you are fine sweetie....

  8. Oh Gosh I read this post just now...
    I sent you an email worrying about you...
    Happy to read and know about !!

  9. thank you so much for your kind message to me.
    I and my DH live in Indonesia, so no worry about me.
    my family who live in Japan is also ok.
    but I'm worried about my friends...
    I have some friend I can't get a hold of them.
    All I can do is hope they are safe...
    please keep sending your prayers girls...thanks so much!

  10. We pray for all the Japanese in Japan and all over the world. Here, from Tahiti, not so far away from Japan...

  11. Thank God that you have everything in order, Aki! Let your friends and everything will be fine! Pray for Japan, experience and empathize with!

  12. I'm glad you are fine :-)

  13. I am glad to know you all, I know how you feel, just want it all to end up. So that we can resume a normal life.

  14. thanks so much ladies,
    Your warm hearts will be the power of Japanese people.
    please say your prayers!

  15. I'm glad you are ok!My heart and prayers for Japan!

  16. I was just stopping by to see if you were okay. I am so glad to hear that you and your family are okay, I hope and pray that you will hear from your friends and all is well. Sending prayers and hugs to Japan.

  17. Hi Akizo-san, came and saw your comment, very glad to know that you and your family are safe. Hope that your friends are fine too, I'll keep everyone in my thoughts... take care!

  18. Glad to know you're in Indonesia, and that your family is ok. Very sad and worried for all the Japanese people. Sending prayers too

  19. thank you so much, ladies!

  20. インドネシアにお住まいなんですね。ご無事でよかったです。毎日、暗いニュースが続いている状況で、素敵な作品を見ると元気になります(笑)!


注: コメントを投稿できるのは、このブログのメンバーだけです。